Nifty Tips & Tricks For The Post-Modern Individual

Nifty Tips & Tricks For Conscious Individuals in the Post-Modern World.

Author: Eva Cantillo


Must-Watch Documentaries!

Top 5 Environmental Documentaries
Check out these entertaining and informative documentaries about our changing times.

1. The Story of Stuff
This is a wonderful documentary (only 20 minutes!!) about Planned Obsolesence and it's current effects on our world's environment and society.

You may also want to check out their site, it has plenty of interesting information and documentaries concerning other topics.

2. FOOD, Inc.
If you want to think about the food you eat in a way you never have before, try watching this film. It may make you reconsider your future food choices.

The entire film is available on Instant View Netflix. Here's the Food Inc.'s website.

3. Transcendent Man 
A film about a man who is trying to break the confines of mortality and achieve living forever. Whether it is possible or not, the ideas presented in the film are very intriguing because technology is advancing exponentially.
You can watch the entire film on Hulu, or go to their site to buy it. This film is also available on Instant View Netflix.
Here's the trailer:

4. The Light Bulb Conspiracy
This is about the history of our evolving market and the forces of competition within it. Very interesting and unique material.

5. What In The World Are They Spraying?
This is a controversial documentary on the topic of ChemTrails and Genetically Modified Food Sources.
Here is the trailer:

You can watch the whole film on YouTube.

Nifty Trick #8
Start getting your news from Independent News Sources. They are unaffected by mass media and cover interesting and unusual topics. Here is a comprehensive list of Independent News Sources.

Stay informed!

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