Nifty Tips & Tricks For The Post-Modern Individual

Nifty Tips & Tricks For Conscious Individuals in the Post-Modern World.

Author: Eva Cantillo


Why You Should Have House Plants!

A lot of people have plants inside of their living space, but have you ever stopped to think why? Well, there are actually many healthy benefits to keeping living plants indoors!

NASA did a study in the 80's about the removal of toxins from confined spaces by common house plants, their results showed that most types of house-plants are actually very successful in cleansing chemicals like
Formaldehyde, Benzene, and Trichloroethylene from the air. Formaldehyde can be found in many types of foam insulation and cleaning products. Benzene is a solvent found in paints, and Trichloroethylene is a chemical used in paints, adhesives, inks, and varnishes. Check out this list of NASA's most beneficial house plants.

Here are some benefits of Indoor Plants

  • Remove pollutants and carbon dioxide from the air and increase circulation.
  • Improves mental health and overall mood.
  • A few house plants is equal to the power and effects of a humidifier.
  • Helps rid the air of cigarette smoke
  • Prevent allergies, especially in children where exposing them to plant allergens at an early age can help them build immunities.
  • Help fight colds and clear congestion. 
  • Fragrance from blossoming flowers & herbs (for cooking too!)
  • Other specialty plants like Aloe Barbedenis & Wheatgrass provide other benefits
Some plants are poisonous for pets though, check out this list to make sure you're not endangering your friend. 

Check out these other sites for growing guides and further information:

Nifty Trick #9 
Start out by growing fresh herbs in your house so you can add them to salads and many other recipes! There is nothing like freshly picked herbs to add to any dish. Check out this great guide for growing and drying herbs. Also, read up on this fresh basil pesto recipe!

Stay fresh =)

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